Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Heads Up

The next gathering at Two Trails Diner in Standish will be held this Saturday, the 9th, at 1:00 pm. Once again there will be a Yankee Swap, since it was so much fun last month.

Next Tuesday, the 12th, I believe there is a similar gathering at C.H.O.P in Cumberland. If you have questions on this one, please contact Stan & Cheryl Page.

It may be of interest to some that more than 70 car clubs and organizations around the nation have picked up copies of "The Complete Car Show" just in the last few weeks. The most recent is the famous LEGENDS CAR CLUB in Canada. And the feedback has been phenomenal. It seems each club that gets the book talks it up to other clubs.

The National Car Show Association is still attempting to buy the rights to it, but I am still holding out until I am satisfied every Maine show that wants one, gets one. So if you run a show in Maine, and would like a FREE copy, let me know soon, because the offer from NCSA is tempting, and I'm weakening. Once NCSA owns the rights, it will no longer be free to anyone.

Gotta get back to work on my latest book. Publisher wants it to be at least 180 pages, and I only have half that. It's slow going, as this is the first full book I have written after a four year hiatus (I actually thought I was frickin' retired). Some days I can write 50 pages; other days I can't write 50 words. Oh well. It's one of the reasons I haven't been doing so much on the blogs lately - sorry!

Hope to see ya either Saturday or Tuesday.
